Boot Sector Virus

Boot sector virus is spread is a common one. This virus in 
reproduce itself, will have to move or replace the original boot sector 
podići program with the virus. So when the virus occurs podići akan loaded 
to memory and then the virus will have the ability to control 
standard hardware (eg monitor, printer etc.) and also from the memory of this virus akan 
spread to all who have the drive and connected to the computer (for example: 
Floopy, drive other than drive c:). 
Examples of viruses: 
- Variant virus wyx 
ex: wyx.C (B) menginfeksi boot record and Floopy; 
Length: 520 bytes; 
Characteristics: Memory resident and encrypted. 
- Variant V-sign: 
attack: Master Boot Record; 
Length of 520 bytes; 
Characteristics: live in the memory (memory resident), encrypted, and polymorphic) 
- Stoned.june 4th / bloody!: 
infect: Master Boot Record and Floopy; 
Length of 520 bytes;


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