SOME HOW spreading of virus

The withdrawal of virus biological virus must have spread to the media,
computer viruses can spread to a variety of computer / machine also through other
various media, including:

1. Floppy disks, storage media R / W, flash disk
External storage media can be a soft target for the virus to
be the media. Well as a place to live or as a media distribution.
Media bias operation R / W (Read and Write) is possible
infected for the virus and serve as the distribution media.

2. Network (LAN, WAN, etc.)
Relationships between some computer directly is very feasible
virus took a move occurs when the exchange / pengeksekusian file that
contain viruses.

3. Internet
Site may be a very deliberate planted a "virus" that will
infectedcomputers that access it.

4. Software Freeware, Shareware or even pirated
Many viruses are deliberately planted in a program that
distributed either free, or trial version.

5. Attachment on the email, Transferring files
Almost all of the spread of the virus, the use email
attachment because of all Internet users use email surely
to communicate, these files are made intentionally light / attract attention, even
double often have the extension on the file naming.

Multi Partition Virus

This virus is a combination of boot sector viruses and file viruses. This means working
the result in two, namely he can infected files or *. EXE
*. COM and infected boot sector.

Virus File / Program

This virus menginfeksi files that can be executed directly from the system
operation, whether the files *. EXE, *. COM and also usually results from infection of this virus
may be changing with the size of the file that attack.